An Ghaeilge An Ghaeilge
Tá trasnú na teicneolaíochta agus an Ghaeilge i gcroílár gach rud a dhéanaimis. The intersection of technology and Irish is core to everything we do.
Brabhsáil gan Uaim Seamless Browsing
Tá ár síntí Chrome agus Firefox deartha chun do eispéireas bhrabhsáil a fheabhsú agus a luathú. Our Chrome and Firefox extensions are designed to enhance and streamline your browsing experience.
Saincheapaigh Ábhair Dhigiteach go hÉasca Tailor Content with Ease
Úsaid ár córas CMS chun do shuíomh gréasáin a uasdátú trí Ghaeilge. Use our CMS solution to update your website in a native Irish way.
Ó Smaoineamh go Toradh From Ideation to Completion
Táimid paiseanta faoi smaointe a chasadh go réitithe. Déan teagmháil linn chun do smaointe a fheiceáil beo. Our passion lies in transforming ideas into solutions. Connect with us to see your ideas come to life.
Optamú SEO Ilteangach Multilingual SEO Optimization
Cinntigh go shroicheann do ábhair ilteagach pobal domhanda lenár seirbhísí SEO. Ensure your multi-lingual content reaches a global audience effectively with our SEO services.
Inacmhainne Affordable
Tá lascaine ar fáil do ghrúpaí agus eagraíochta beaga neamhbhrabúsacha. Discounts are available for small not-for-profit groups and organisations.
Cruthaigh láithreacht dhigiteach Ghaelach fíréanta lenár córas CMS
Lenár aidhm chun úsáid na Gaeilge i ndearadh gréasáin nua-aimseartha a dhéanamh níos coitianta, táimid bródúil as ucht ár seibrhisí a chur ar fáil i bealach a théann níos faide ná béalchráifeachas: tá chur chun cinn na Gaeilge már cuid lárnach dár fealsúnacht.
Tá comhtháthú gan uaim idir ár seirbhísí dearadh gréasáin agus ár Córas Bainistíochta Inneachair (CMS) atá ar fáil go hiomlán trí Ghaeilge. Cuireann ár córas CMS béim ar mheon dátheangach mar chuid de chruthú ábhair dhigitigh, ag freastal ar phobal níos leithne gan tionchar ar an t-eispéireas úsáide. Cinntíonn an straitéis seo go bhfuil do theactaireacht curtha in iúl go héifeachtach go Ghaelgeoirí agus do dhaoine gan Gaeilge.
Craft an authentic Irish digital presence with fully native CMS solutions
In our pursuit of increasing the use of Irish in modern web design, we take pride in offering a unique approach that goes beyond aesthetics: at the core of our philosophy is a commitment to promoting the Irish language.
Our web design services seamlessly integrate with our fully native Content Management System (CMS) solution. Our CMS solution emphasizes a bilingual approach to content creation, allowing you to reach a broader audience without compromising on the user experience. This strategy ensures that your message is communicated effectively to both Irish and non-Irish speakers.